Keeping Children Safe

Never keep concerns about children’s safety to yourself

No one wants to hear about children being neglected, abused or unsafe and that sometimes makes it difficult to respond to...

Remember these three important messages:

  1. All children have a right to be safe no matter who they are or what their circumstances
  2. Keeping children safe is everyone’s responsibility
  3. We all need to listen to children even though we may not always be comfortable with what we hear.

Keeping children safe

All staff at Shaw Ridge Primary undertake training in child protection and safeguarding on a regular basis. The Designated Safeguarding Lead and deputy designated safeguarding leads are trained to the highest level of safeguarding, currently level 3. Any concerns about a child will be passed on to a designated safeguarding lead within the School. They will decide whether to speak to Children’s Social Care or the Police. Who will decide whether they need to investigate further

Designated Safeguarding Leads

All staff at Shaw Ridge Primary undertake training in child protection and safeguarding on a regular basis. The Designated Safeguarding Lead and deputy designated safeguarding leads are trained to the highest level of safeguarding, currently level 3. Any concerns about a child will be passed on to a designated safeguarding lead within the School. They will decide whether to speak to Children’s Social Care or the Police. Who will decide whether they need to investigate further.

If you have a concern about the safety or well-being of a child please speak to one of our safeguarding team. In this school this is:-

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads

Mrs Sally Cowell

Mrs Sally Cowell

Head Teacher

Mr Joe Lee

Mr Joe Lee

Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs Stephie Godwin

Mrs Stephie Godwin

Lower KS2 Phase Leader

Miss Kate Jeffery

Miss Kate Jeffery

KS1 Phase Leader

Miss Lauren Armstrong

Miss Lauren Armstrong


Worried about the actions of an adult working in the school?

If your concern is about a member of staff, an adult volunteer or visitor please report to the Head teacher before leaving the site. If your concerns are about the Head teacher please contact the Chair of Governors as soon as possible.

Head and Chair of governors

Mr Phil Harland

Mr Phil Harland

Chair of Governors

Mrs Sally Cowell

Mrs Sally Cowell

Head Teacher


We are using the internet increasingly more everyday.  We use the internet at home, school, on our mobile phones, and also when gaming.  With the internet being used so much it is even more important that we know how to be safe online.

Below are the Golden Rules that are important to follow:

Golden Rules

Below are some websites that give you some information on how you can be safer online. - sections for parents and children, including

Hector’s World - includes a section for parents new to computers and games for parents to play with their children. has a useful parents’ section.

For children: FS/ KS1 Online storybook Netty’s Net Adventure- 5 stories re esafety. Five forget-me-not messages. Then fun and games section to reinforce. Each topic three levels- start with all simple levels first.

Parents’ guide explains the forget-me-nots. It’s great! Hector’s World cartoons about keeping personal information safe, with jigsaws, colouring activities and the Hector’s World Safety Button.

For children: KS2 The BBC’s Dongle the Rabbit is an interactive animation and game, aimed at teaching the SMART rules. This could be suitable for Year 2 children as well. - KS1 E-safety, click on wonderwebworld, it has a great cartoon narrated by David Tennant.  Dongles guide to being SMART is a quiz you can take. has the Cybercafe activities with information to read and decisions to make in learning the SMART rules. teaches largely through games fairly straightforward written information.

This site also has links to games: the Quiz contains lots of useful information

Below is a letter that was sent out recently regarding video games.

Video Games - November 2010

Vodafone has created a new magazine called ‘Digital Parenting’ to help parents get to grips and get involved with their children’s digital world.

The magazine brings together experts from around the world to give parents the latest advice on digital issues, such as online reputation, location services, sexting, cyberbullying and illegal content. Parents, teenagers and grandparents also share their personal experiences and a series of ‘How to...’ tutorials guide parents through the safety and privacy controls on Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Vodafone.

Vodafone Digital Parents booklet

Safeguarding Resources

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